Mediation is an opportunity for individuals or groups of people to sit down with a third-party neutral, in a safe, confidential environment, to discuss their differences and problem solve possibilities for sustainable change.

If resolution is reached, shared story drafts an agreement and provides an opportunity for re-mediation or modification in the future.

Opportunities for mediated dialogue exist with:

  • Families

  • Employer/Employees

  • Educational Institutions

  • Landlord/Tenants

  • Neighbors/Neighborhood Associations

  • Faith Based Organizations

  • Not-for-Profit or Grass Roots Agencies

*Certified by the state of Nebraska Judicial Branch’s Office of Dispute Resolution, Kelly Gering, is an approved Parenting Act mediator with credentialing in specialized alternative dispute resolution (high conflict) cases and as such, mediates the creation and modification of parenting plans for families.


Facilitation is a process of gathering diverse stakeholders to dialogue about an issue, address an organizational/community concern, determine hopes/fears surrounding a decision, or to brainstorm how the future can look different from the past.

shared story designs and facilitates processes that best fit the needs and hopes of their clients. Guided by an authentic and rigorous assessment, inspired by design models like World Café and Open Space Technology, we ensure that voices are heard, information is captured, and recommendations, action items, and goals are documented with an eye for how the future will look markedly different than the past.

From community town hall meetings to corporate strategic planning sessions, faith based forums and educational dialogues, shared story creates a safe, focused, engaging process that creates opportunity for multiple voices to move toward one new direction.

Every day, we need to have difficult conversations. They can feel awkward, uncomfortable and challenging -- particularly when there are multiple power dynamics at play. And yet, we know that in work places, communities and families, meaningful, authentic engagement and partnership is impossible without constructive communication.

shared story provides training opportunities for organizational teams and community based agencies to learn how to engage the other in productive, sustainable, hopeful ways.

By utilizing an interest-based negotiation approach, we teach how to share one's story while cultivating the story of the other. 

Teaching conflict engagement theory, dynamic role plays, practical techniques and innovative tools, our purpose is to shift the way that people view conflict, their approach to difference, and their willingness to ask for what they need, while being open to the engagement of the other.

Leadership begins by modeling the behavior you desire from your organization. Daily, you're faced with making challenging decisions, unpopular choices, and recommendations for the profitability, cultural integrity, and growth of your business.

Along the way, conflict can either be constructive or destructive, depending upon your response.

How will you lead your team/organization using the the power of difference to harness meaningful change, instead of inciting cost, human resource challenges, and lost productivity?

shared story understands that each organization is unto itself. The people, culture, brand, products, and services are uniquely connected to that entity. Our promise is to  coach leadership in specific conflict-based scenarios, constructive communication engagement, and long-term transparent relationship building.